Enforcement Actions
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)
NOTE: Stipulations of Fact and Consent to Penalty (SFC); Offers of Settlement (OS); and Letters of Acceptance Waiver, and Consent (AWC) are entered into by Respondents without admitting or denying the allegations, but consent is given to the described sanctions & to the entry of findings. Additionally, for AWCs, if FINRA has reason to believe a violation has occurred and the member or associated person does not dispute the violation, FINRA may prepare and request that the member or associated person execute a letter accepting a finding of violation, consenting to the imposition of sanctions, and agreeing to waive such member's or associated person's right to a hearing before a hearing panel, and any right of appeal to the National Adjudicatory Council, the SEC, and the courts, or to otherwise challenge the validity of the letter, if the letter is accepted. The letter shall describe the act or practice engaged in or omitted, the rule, regulation, or statutory provision violated, and the sanction or sanctions to be imposed.
Kenya Reed
AWC/2009017054201/ 2010

Associated Person Reed participated in a scheme that involved causing fraudulent checks to be issued and drawn from her member firm’s bank account. In connection with the scheme, Reed prepared fraudulent check requests and disbursed numerous checks drawn on her firm’s bank account in various amounts under $1,000 and totaling over $290,000. The checks were made payable to entities that did not provide services to her firm; this was done under the guise that the entities were firm-authorized transfer agents and the payments were for related fees.

Reed’s coworker provided her with fictitious billing invoices from such entities and, in turn, Reed initiated check requests through the firm’s computer system to pay the fictitious fees; the check requests were processed and approved, and the checks issued and delivered back to the securities processing area where she worked.

Upon receipt of the checks, Reed gave the checks to her coworker, who provided them to a third party not employed by the firm; in return for initiating and processing the fictitious check requests, Reed received periodic cash payments from her coworker, totaling an estimated $10,000, for her own personal use.

The firm became aware of this matter when the New York City Police Department contacted it regarding an individual (a non-firm employee) who was taken into custody in an unrelated matter; the individual was in possession of certain of the firm checks issued as a result of the scheme. In addition, the firm investigated the matter, including questioning Reed, who admitted that she engaged in the above-referenced conduct; the firm then terminated Reed’s employment.

Kenya Reed : Barred; Agreed to cooperate with FINRA in an ongoing investigation relating to this matter.
Tags:  Bank    Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Now that's a fascinating story.  You have to wonder why these folks thought that they would get away with this.
Clinton James Lewis (Principal)
AWC/2009016863001/ 2010
Lewis was responsible for supervising a registered representative of his member firm and for reviewing the firm’s receipt and forwarding of customer funds, but he failed to properly supervise the registered representative, who converted funds from customers. The registered representative wrote checks from his outside business that were made payable to the firm to fund investments for one of his customers. Lewis reviewed these checks and failed to ask the registered representative why his business was providing the funds for the customer’s investments. Lewis failed to contact the customer to determine whether the amount invested was correct, which could have been detected and would have prevented the registered representative’s conversion of customer funds.
Clinton James Lewis (Principal): Fined $5,000; Suspended 10 business days in Principal capacity only with the exception that he may continue to act as an Options Principal
Tags:  Checks    Supervision     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
You know, a very succinct presentation by FINRA here and a valid complaint.  Also explains why it's necessary to monitor incoming funding from third parties.
Darla Lanette Williams
AWC/2009019338301/ 2010
Williams opened several accounts, including checking accounts with lines of credit and installment loans, under the names of retail bank customers, without their knowledge and authorization. Williams accessed these accounts and made unauthorized withdrawals totaling approximately $40,500, which she used for her benefit and personal use. Williams failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.
Darla Lanette Williams : Barred
Tags:  Checks     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Fredric Henry Gardner
AWC/2009020196301/ 2010
Gardner engaged in outside business activities by serving as the chief financial officer of a start-up company, and failed to provide prompt written notice to his member firm of any outside business activities and to obtain a designated firm principal’s prior permission before accepting any position as officer or director of another entity, contrary to his firm’s written policies and procedures. While serving as the start-up company’s chief financial officer, Gardner converted the entity’s funds for his personal use by writing fraudulent checks without the entity’s knowledge or permission. Gardner solicited and accepted $15,000 from an individual as an investment in the entity but converted the funds for his personal use.
Fredric Henry Gardner: Barred
Tags:  Checks         |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
2009017472801/ 2010
REDACTED funded new customer checking accounts with his own money in order to open them. Then, REDACTED made online bill payments from each of the new accounts to credit card accounts in his name in order to qualify for incentive benefits from his firm and to reimburse himself for the initial deposits he made to open the accounts. REDACTED failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.
Tags:  Checks     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Philip Rene Deroziere (Principal)
AWC/2009016976701/ 2010

Deroziere converted $10,000 from his member firm by endorsing and depositing a check made payable to the firm into his personal bank account without the firm’s knowledge or permission. Deroziere also converted $750 from a nonsecurities customer by endorsing and depositing checks made payable to the customer into his personal bank account without the customer’s knowledge or permission. Deroziere failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.

Philip Rene Deroziere (Principal): Barred
Tags:  Checks    Bank     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Jamie Sutton Hardy
AWC/2009018407601/ 2010
Associated Person Hardy misappropriated $33,445.82 from her supervisor’s personal checking account for her own personal use. Hardy misappropriated her supervisor’s money by writing checks to herself as reimbursement for expenses her office never actually incurred. She misappropriated approximately $2,000 in cash a third party made to her supervisor. Hardy admitted to misappropriating the funds and paid $32,000 back to her supervisor in restitution, and the firm terminated her employment.
Jamie Sutton Hardy : Barred
Tags:  Check    Expenses     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Michael Wayne Claiborne (Principal)
AWC/2009017323101/ 2010

Claiborne asked a customer if he could borrow approximately $600 to pay for his travel expenses and the customer agreed, using his credit card to pay for the expenses. Claiborne failed to notify his member firm of the loan, which he repaid in full, and was contrary to his firm’s procedures prohibiting registered representatives from borrowing money from customers.

Claiborne received a $1,000 check with the payee line left blank from the customer to deposit into the customer’s Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA) with the firm; Claiborne made the check payable to himself and deposited it into his personal checking account and used the proceeds for his own use and benefit, thereby converting the funds. Claiborne admitted to his supervisor that he had deposited the check into his own account and subsequently returned the funds to the customer.

Michael Wayne Claiborne (Principal): Barred
Tags:  Borrowing        Checks     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Nathan Joel Brenowitz (Principal)
AWC/2008013450201/ 2010


  • falsified a client’s insurance policy application and related documents without the client’s knowledge, submitted the documents to his member firm’s insurance company affiliate and subsequently denied to his firm that he had falsified signatures or submitted falsely signed documents;
  • falsified clients’ insurance policy-related supplement documents without the clients’ knowledge, submitted the documents to his firm’s insurance affiliate and, although the clients later stated that they approved of his actions, the firm’s insurance affiliate policy prohibited its insurance agents from signing another person’s name, even if the clients’ authorized them;
  • falsely endorsed and deposited a check for $1,000 made payable to an insurance agent contracted to him into his personal bank account, and falsely claimed to his firm that the insurance agent authorized him to use the check to repay expenses;
  • took an online computer examination on his office manager’s behalf that his firm’s insurance company affiliate required, and Brenowitz falsely denied to his firm that he did so;
  • denied in writing to FINRA that he took any test posing as his office manager; and
  • denied  in sworn testimony to FINRA that he took any test posing as his office manager and claimed that the insurance agent contracted to him had authorized him to endorse and deposit the check and use the proceeds for expense reimbursement.
Nathan Joel Brenowitz (Principal): Barred
Tags:  insurance    Check        Testing     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Heidi Jo Baldridge
AWC/2009021005001/ 2010
An affiliated insurance company of Baldridge's member firm began an audit of her insurance files after receiving a customer complaint. The customer gave Baldridge a check as a payment for a premium for a new fire insurance policy and Baldridge admitted to auditors that she deposited the check into her personal checking account and used the money for her mortgage payment. As such, Baldridge converted the customer check for $1,340.  Baldridge repaid the insurance company $1,340 on the day of the audit.
Heidi Jo Baldridge : Barred
Tags:  Checks    Insurance    conversion     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Susan Magourik
2008014644201/ 2010
Associated Person Magouirk caused checks totaling $65,000 to be drawn on a customer’s account without the customer’s permission or authority, and used them for her own benefit. Magouirk forged the customer’s signature on Letters of Authorization to obtain the $65,000 that she converted from the customer’s account.
Susan Magourik : Barred
Tags:  Forgery    Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Blaine Carter Davis
AWC/2009016750801/ 2010
Davis converted $69,200 of customers’ funds from his member firm’s active assets accounts for his personal use. Davis wrote checks made payable to the order of “cash,” enabling him to withdraw funds from customers’ active assets accounts, and then deposited the withdrawn funds into his personal bank account. Davis forged the customers’ signatures on the checks before negotiating them.
Blaine Carter Davis: Barred
Tags:  Check    Forgery    Banks     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Denver Arlene Kalkofen
OS/2008015168701/ 2010
Kalkofen instructed customers to make checks payable to cash or in the name of a fictitious company, and deposited the checks into her personal checking account, using the funds to gamble and pay for personal expenses. Kalkofen pled no contest in the Circuit Court of Calhumet County in the State of Wisconsin to four felony counts of theft in a business setting in excess of $10,000, and two felony counts of issuing securities for improper purposes. Kalkofen failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.
Denver Arlene Kalkofen : Barred
Tags:  Check    Felony     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Robert Martin Martinez
AWC/2009018362902/ 2010
Martinez received checks totaling $20,000 from a non-customer, intended for investment, and improperly used the funds for his personal use. Martinez willfully failed to amend his Form U4 to disclose material information and failed to timely respond to FINRA requests for information and documents.
Robert Martin Martinez: Barred
Tags:  Check         |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bryan David Budvitis
2008016013501/ 2010

Budvitis misappropriated a total of $26,500 from a customer’s account by completing Client Verbal Instructions Forms requesting that a check be issued to his family member, and funds transferred from the customer’s account to his family member’s account without the customer’s permission or authority. Budvitis misappropriated an additional $40,000 but later issued a stop payment on a check and deposited a cashier’s check for the withdrawn funds back in the customer’s account.

Budvitis failed to respond to FINRA requests for information and to testify at an on-the-record interview.

Bryan David Budvitis : Barred
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Client Verbal Instructions Forms?  Where the hell do they come up with these names and ideas. So let me see if I have this right, all that a crook needs to do is fill out a Client Verbal Instructions Form in order to steal money from a client and have the funds sent to the crook's relative?  Wow, some system of safeguards.  Hey, at least they caught this guy.
James Harold Opheim
AWC/2009018820201/ 2010
Opheim wrongfully converted funds totaling approximately $105,516.54 from customers, and attempted to wrongfully convert funds totaling approximately $60,000 from another customer. Opheim converted, or attempted to convert, the funds by endorsing the checks that customers provided him without permission or authority and depositing the funds into his own personal account for his use and benefit.
James Harold Opheim : Barred
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Joel Barrett
2008014006701/ 2010

Without a bank customer’s knowledge or authorization, Barrett

  • signed the customer’s name on a check withdrawal form requesting a $25,000 check from the customer’s account made payable to Barrett’s friend, and the funds were later deposited into the friend’s checking account; and
  • activated and linked an ATM card to the bank customer’s savings account and used the card to withdraw $3,500 from the account for his own personal use and benefit.

Barrett failed to respond to FINRA requests for information and to appear and testify at an on-the-record interview.

Joel Barrett : Barred
Tags:  ATM    Check    Bank     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Kevin Michael John O’Connor (Principal)
AWC/2007011308803/ 2010
O’Connor failed to establish, maintain and enforce an adequate supervisory system and written supervisory procedures related to the issuance, receipt and transmittal of checks payable to customers. In addition, the written supervisory procedures and supervisory system were inadequate because they did not provide for managerial review or supervision of the process. O’Connor failed to establish, maintain and enforce adequate written supervisory control procedures relating to NASD Rule 3012(a)(2)(B) and its requirement that members establish, maintain and enforce procedures reasonably designed to review and monitor transmittals of funds or securities between customers and registered representatives. O’Connor failed to adequately enforce his member firm’s procedures concerning penny stock transactions.
Kevin Michael John O’Connor (Principal): Fined $17,500; Suspended 30 days in Principal capacity only
Tags:  Supervisory System    WSP    Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Mark McEwen (Principal)
2008014940601/ 2010

McEwen converted $32,528.56 from a customer by falsely informing her that a check McEwen’s member firm sent to her pursuant to a consent order with the Missouri Securities Division for unsuitable variable annuity sales to the elderly was sent to her by mistake and actually represented commissions the firm owed him. McEwen instructed the customer to deposit the check into her bank account and then make a check payable to him in the same amount; after the customer followed these instructions, McEwen cashed the check and deposited the funds into his personal bank account. McEwen converted an additional $11,000 from the customer by depositing checks intended for investment into his personal bank account and failed to purchase investments on the customer’s behalf.

McEwen failed to appear for FINRA on-the-record testimony.

Mark McEwen (Principal): Barred
Tags:  Elderly    Check    Bank     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Lowlife.  I mean, really, what more needs to be said?
Paul Arnold Nilssen (Principal)
AWC/2007011308802/ 2010
Nilssen failed to reasonably supervise his member firm’s operations staff in connection with the issuance and hand delivery of checks to customers. Nilssen was aware of deficiencies but took inadequate steps to address them. Nilssen failed to review the operations staff’s practices or files to ensure that they always obtained forms that brokers completed to request that checks be issued from customer accounts, and receipts customers signed to acknowledge their receipt of hand-delivered checks.
Paul Arnold Nilssen (Principal): Fined $7,500; Suspended 10 business days
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
A pretty hefty fine and suspension for a failure to supervise case.  However, under the circumstances, FINRA has made a compelling case for the sanctions.  There are just too many "check" cases these days.
Alvin Charles Ramsey
AWC/2008015421501/ 2010

Ramsey served as a registered representative for an elderly customer who executed a power of attorney, giving Ramsey broad authority over her financial affairs. The customer asked Ramsey to invest $600,000 in a variable annuity, and then, without the customer’s knowledge or authorization, Ramsey used the power of attorney to obtain approximately $482,000 in withdrawals from the annuity, which, after taxes were deducted, totaled approximately $373,750. Checks for $373,750 were issued in the customer’s name and sent to Ramsey’s office. Ramsey deposited some of the money into the customer’s checking account, but converted some of the funds for his personal use without the customer’s knowledge or authorization. 

Separately, Ramsey borrowed $275,000 from the customer and, in total, owes the customer approximately $500,000.

Ramsey failed to appear to provide testimony.

Alvin Charles Ramsey: Barred
Tags:  Elderly    Power of Attorney    Check    Borrowing     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
What a real classy piece of work this guy is.
Andrew Mark Ruby
AWC/2009017832001/ 2010
From about February 2005 through March 2009, Ruby stole blank personal checks and stock certificates from customers and forged their signatures. Ruby filled in the blank checks, inserting dollar amounts that totaled approximately $128,275, forged the customers’ signatures and then deposited the checks into an account under his control. Ruby sold the stock certificates and kept the proceeds. Ruby used the funds from the checks and stock certificates for personal expenses.
Andrew Mark Ruby: Barred
Tags:  Check    Forgery     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Did these folks leave blank personal checks lying around or did Ruby intercept the checkbooks at his firm?  I wish that FINRA would provide some more details here.
Daniel Glenn Carlen (Principal)
AWC/2009016529101/ 2010
Carlen was associated with a member firm and was also employed as a supervisor of payroll for a non-registered third-party administration company related to the firm. Carlen systematically directed unauthorized payments from the administration company’s payroll to a business entity under his sole control and converted the funds to his personal use. When Carlen was confronted with actual falsified checks and tampered bank statements, he signed a written statement in which he confessed to embezzling $235,000 and misappropriating the funds for his personal use.
Daniel Glenn Carlen (Principal): Barred
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
You know, confronting someone with "actual falsified checks and tampered bank statements" does tend to elicit signed confessions. 
Kyle Patrick MacDonald
OS/2009018375901/ 2010
MacDonald converted $1,100 in customers’ financial planning fees due and owing to his member firm by instructing customers to make their checks payable to him personally. Without permission or authority, MacDonald wrongfully cashed the checks and used the funds for his own uses and purposes.
Kyle Patrick MacDonald: Barred
Tags:  Check         |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Arthur Braden Diggs Jr.
AWC/2008013992501/ 2010
Biggs misappropriated at least $255,000 in customers’ insurance premiums by requesting that the customers submit their checks to him, and then depositing some of them into his personal bank account for his own use and benefit. In order to conceal his misappropriation, Diggs changed the addresses of record for the customers to a post office box he controlled, without their permission or knowledge, and periodically sent them altered insurance statements and told them that the policies were in good standing. Diggs misrepresented on firm compliance surveys that he did not receive funds directly from his customers.
Arthur Braden Diggs Jr. : Barred
Tags:  Check         |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Seriously, can it really be this simple to defraud clients? You just change addresses and fabricate false statements?
Melissa Dawn Curry
AWC/2009017865401/ 2010
Associated Person Curry misappropriated $42,600 from a registered representative of her member firm. Curry took checks from the desk of another employee, who maintained the registered representative’s checks, placed her name on the checks as payee, filled in amounts ranging from $200 to $3,500, forged the registered representative’s signature, and deposited the checks into her personal bank account.
Melissa Dawn Curry: Barred
Tags:  Check    Forgery     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Not to make light of this but who the hell leaves checks in a drawer these days?  Of course, the other puzzling aspect of this case is the extent to which Curry thought this through.  I mean, geez, she put her name down as the payee and -- what?-- she figured that this was some clever form of deception.  Seriously, couldn't she have at least made the checks payable to "cash" or a fictitious account that she created?  Frankly, this is pathetic.
Gina Marie Crawford Sims
2008012948801/ 2010
Sims misappropriated
  • a customer’s $928.78 automobile insurance policy check by depositing the check into her personal bank account instead of forwarding it to her member firm (later reimbursint the funds to the customer); and
  • $5,148.51 in variable life insurance premiums by depositing customers’ checks into her personal bank account.
Sims failed to appear for FINRA on-the-record interviews.
Gina Marie Crawford Sims : Barred
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Hilda Asencio
2008014573101/ 2010
Associated Person Asencio, converted $335,250 from a customer’s account by making withdrawals from the customer’s variable annuity without his knowledge or consent. Asencio arranged to have the funds sent to a friend, who cashed the checks and forwarded the proceeds to Asencio, who then deposited the funds into her own bank account and used the money for personal expenses. Asencio failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.
Hilda Asencio: Ordered to pay $335,250, plus interest, in restitution to a customer; Barred
Tags:  Variable Annuity    Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Stoever, Glass & Company, Inc. and Michael Francis Carrigg (Principal)
AWC/2007007247301/ 2010
Acting through Carrigg, the Firm failed to track customer checks that were outstanding and uncashed for more than one year and, as a result, failed to make attempts to
  • reissue checks,
  • recredit customer accounts,
  • contact the customers regarding unclaimed funds, and/or
  • comply with state laws concerning unclaimed property.
The Firm essentially had the benefit of the unclaimed funds in its account that was used for operating expenses. While the firm’s bank balance remained positive, acting through Carrigg, the Firm failed to detect that the operating account was overdrawn, in that the firm did not have sufficient funds in the account to pay for all of the outstanding checks.

Acting through Carrigg, the Firm failed to prepare an accurate Reserve Formula computation and therefore failed to make required deposits to its Special Reserve Bank Account that it was required to maintain pursuant to Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Rule15c3-3. While the firm’s operating account balance remained positive, acting through Carrigg, the Firm failed to account for the uncashed, outstanding checks.

Stoever, Glass & Company, Inc.: Censured; Fined $90,000 ($15,000 joint/several with Carrigg); and Required to retain an independent consultant to review the adequacy of its policies, systems, procedures (written and otherwise) and training relating to its financial and operations systems, and to ensure the proper disposition of outstanding, uncashed checks at the firm).

Michael Francis Carrigg:
Fined $10,000; Fined $15,000 joint/several with Firm; Suspended in Principal capacity only for 6 months.
Tags:  Check    Unclaimed Funds         |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Frankly, an interesting case because it underscores an issue that may be overlooked in the regular course of business but, as FINRA notes, can snowball into a potentially serious bookkeeping/accounting issue.  While almost all firms will have the occasional uncashed check, the fact remains that until such time as the underlying funds are restored to the client via a reissued check or other credit, those wayward funds are likely being utilized by the member.  Such bookkeeping runs afoul of a number of accounting fail-safes, not the least of which is Net Capital and/or Special Reserve formulas.

While the fines and suspensions here appear at first glance to be heavy-handed (if not apparently excessive), when one considers that FINRA's asserts that there were numerous customer checks that remained uncashed or outstanding in excess of a year, that strongly suggests an impaired in-house system.  Frankly, FINRA makes the case for imposing stronger sanctions here. 

Willis Scudder Georgia III
2008014358201/ 2010
Georgia misappropriated funds totaling $7,500 from a charity for which he served as treasurer by writing and cashing checks made payable to himself. Georgia failed to respond to FINRA requeststo provide on-the-record testimony.
Willis Scudder Georgia III: Barred
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
Don't get me wrong -- I'm not defending this guy -- but how does this become a FINRA regulatory matter and not a criminal case?
J.J.B. Hilliard,W.L. Lyons, LLC
AWC/2007009463801/ 2010

The Firm failed to have an adequate supervisory system, including written supervisory procedures and a supervisory control system, to properly and timely identify customer checks deposited at affiliated bank branches and ensure that all customer check deposits were duly credited to the appropriate customer accounts. The Firm escheated approximately $133,616.65 in funds to the Commonwealth of Kentucky when it was unable to identify the proper customer accounts. As a result of the unidentified customer check deposits, the firm failed to make and keep accurate daily records of all receipts and disbursements of cash and other debits and credits in its books and records, including entries to an Escheatment Account. The Firm understated its net capital charges and incorrectly calculated its Customer Reserve Formula. In addition, the Firm produced inaccurate month-end customer account statements, incorrectly liquidated certain customer fully paid securities, and failed to segregate some customers’ fully paid securities, resulting in intra-day possession or control deficits. The Firm did not prepare required inter-company account reconciliations, failed to properly record certain aged unfavorable reconciliation differences and failed to conduct supervisory reviews of certain reconciliations and accounts.

The Firm ’s supervisory procedures did not adequately ensure that its research analysts obtained the required approval for public appearances and provided proper disclosures during such public appearances. In addition, the Firm issued certain research reports that

  • contained indefinite “may” language regarding future investment banking services that the firm expected to provide,
  • did not include analyst certifications on the front page,
  • contained front pages that did not specify the page or pages in the research report on which the analyst certifications were to be found, and
  • incorrectly included the analyst certification information as part of the important disclosures.
J.J.B. Hilliard,W.L. Lyons, LLC: Censured, Fined $200,000; Required to place $133,817 into a segregated, interest-bearing account for a period of five years to reimburse customers who can reasonably demonstrate that they made deposits to their firm accounts at a bank branch and that the firm failed to properly credit the deposits to their accounts.
Tags:  WSP    Supervisory System    Check    Escheat    Public Appearances     |    In: Research and Advertising
Bill Singer's Comment
An interesting segregation plan -- well tailored to address the specific issue.  Smart move by FINRA.
Michael Lewis Axel
AWC/2007011308801/ 2010
Axel misappropriated at least $624,000 from customers of his member firm. Without the customers’ knowledge, authorization or consent, Axel initiated the issuance of checks from the customers’ accounts, obtaining the checks ostensibly so that he could deliver them to the customers, and then forged the customers’ signatures and cashed the checks or deposited the checks into his personal bank account. Axel effected unauthorized transactions in customers’ accounts without their knowledge, authorization or consent. He failed to appear for a FINRA on-the-record interview.
Michael Lewis Axel: Barred
Tags:  Check    Forgery     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Shellie Lin Newton
AWC/2008014143701/ 2010

Registered Supervisor Newton used her position as an operations manager to misappropriate more than $10,000 from her member firm. Newton

  • entered false deposit amounts into her brokerage account at her firm, thereby creating artificial balances in the account,
  • transferred money from the brokerage account to her personal checking account, and
  • used the funds for personal purposes.

In an attempt to conceal the false deposits, Newton deposited checks into her brokerage account and made an online transfer knowing at the time that her checking account lacked funds to cover the checks, and used an ATM to intentionally enter an amount to be deposited that was greater than the check included with the deposit. By knowingly entering fictitious deposit amounts into her brokerage account at her firm, Newton created artificial balances in it and caused her firm’s books and records to be false.

Shellie Lin Newton: Barred
Tags:  Operations Manager    Check    ATM     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment
I'm not understanding from FINRA's published decision how Newton "used her position as an operatons manager to misappropriate" the funds. It's clear that she made false deposits and transfers to hide her tracks, but I'm not sure that you need to be an Ops Mgr to accomplish that -- fact is, this nonsense goes on everyday.
Timothy E. Nenoff
AWC/2008012437501/ 2010
Nenoff wrote checks from his checking account totaling $660 even though he knew that he had inadequate funds in the account to clear the checks, deposited the checks into his savings account, and withdrew most of the funds by ATM. Nenoff admitted to FINRA in writing that he engaged in check kiting, but he failed to respond to FINRA requests for information.
Timothy E. Nenoff: Barred
Tags:  Check Kiting    NSF     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Bill Singer's Comment

These cases still bother me because they underscore the two-faced nature of regulation.  Okay, I get it -- this RR kited some $600 worth of checks. It's wrong. I'm not defending his conduct. 

On the other hand, when major brokerage-firms knowingly sell product to the public at a time when they know that they are essentially unloading a dump truck's worth of garbage upon unsuspecting buyers, the regulators don't see things through the same prism as the actions of little fish like Nenoff.  As I so often ask, when was the last time a major brokerage firm was expelled from FINRA because it knowingly foisted crap that it marketed as "good as cash in the bank"?

And the difference between the two results is what?

Yajaira Santos
AWC/2008015473301/ 2010
Associated Person Santos completed and submitted a $7,000 credit advance request on a bank line of credit belonging to a firm customer without his knowledge or consent. The bank processed the request, issued a $7,000 check made payable to the customer which Santos retrieved, endorsed the check and deposited the funds into a separate bank account over which she had signature authority. Santos later covered the line of credit advance by initiating unauthorized securities sales in the customer’s securities account.
Yajaira Santos: Barred
Tags:  Check     |    In: Cases of Note : FINRA
Enforcement Actions