Enforcement Actions
Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA)

Read the SEC appeals of private securities transaction cases: 

In the Matter of Chris Dinh Hartley http://www.rrbdlaw.com/2004/0408hartley.htm 

In the Matter of Anthony H. Barkate http://rrbdlaw.com/2004/0404barkate.htm  

In the Matter of Mark H. Love http://rrbdlaw.com/2004/0403love.htm 


NASD Conduct Rule 3030. Outside Business Activities of an Associated Person

No person associated with a member in any registered capacity shall be employed by, or accept compensation from, any other person as a result of any business activity, other than a passive investment, outside the scope of his relationship with his employer firm, unless he has provided prompt written notice to the member. Such notice shall be in the form required by the member. Activities subject to the requirements of Rule 3040 shall be exempted from this requirement.

NASD Conduct Rule 3040. Private Securities Transactions of an Associated Person

(a) Applicability

No person associated with a member shall participate in any manner in a private securities transaction except in accordance with the requirements of this Rule.

(b) Written Notice

Prior to participating in any private securities transaction, an associated person shall provide written notice to the member with which he is associated describing in detail the proposed transaction and the person's proposed role therein and stating whether he has received or may receive selling compensation in connection with the transaction; provided however that, in the case of a series of related transactions in which no selling compensation has been or will be received, an associated person may provide a single written notice.

(c) Transactions for Compensation

(1) In the case of a transaction in which an associated person has received or may receive selling compensation, a member which has received notice pursuant to paragraph (b) shall advise the associated person in writing stating whether the member:

(A) approves the person's participation in the proposed transaction; or

(B) disapproves the person's participation in the proposed transaction.

(2) If the member approves a person's participation in a transaction pursuant to paragraph (c)(1), the transaction shall be recorded on the books and records of the member and the member shall supervise the person's participation in the transaction as if the transaction were executed on behalf of the member.

(3) If the member disapproves a person's participation pursuant to paragraph (c)(1), the person shall not participate in the transaction in any manner, directly or indirectly.

(d) Transactions Not for Compensation

In the case of a transaction or a series of related transactions in which an associated person has not and will not receive any selling compensation, a member which has received notice pursuant to paragraph (b) shall provide the associated person prompt written acknowledgment of said notice and may, at its discretion, require the person to adhere to specified conditions in connection with his participation in the transaction.

(e) Definitions

For purposes of this Rule, the following terms shall have the stated meanings:

(1) "Private securities transaction" shall mean any securities transaction outside the regular course or scope of an associated person's employment with a member, including, though not limited to, new offerings of securities which are not registered with the Commission, provided however that transactions subject to the notification requirements of Rule 3050, transactions among immediate family members (as defined in IM-2110-1, "Free-Riding and Withholding"), for which no associated person receives any selling compensation, and personal transactions in investment company and variable annuity securities, shall be excluded.

(2) "Selling compensation" shall mean any compensation paid directly or indirectly from whatever source in connection with or as a result of the purchase or sale of a security, including, though not limited to, commissions; finder's fees; securities or rights to acquire securities; rights of participation in profits, tax benefits, or dissolution proceeds, as a general partner or otherwise; or expense reimbursements.

NYSE Rule 346. Limitations—Employment and Association with Members and Member Organizations

(a) Every member not associated with a member organization must be a registered broker or dealer unless exempted by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

(b) Without making a written request and receiving the prior written consent of his member or member organization employer, no member, allied member or employee of a member or member organization shall at any time be engaged in any other business; or be employed or compensated by any other person; or serve as an officer, director, partner or employee of another business organization; or own any stock or have, directly or indirectly, any financial interest in any other organization engaged in any securities, financial or kindred business; provided however, that such written request and consent shall not be required with regard to stock ownership or other financial interest in any securities, financial or kindred business which is publicly owned unless a control relationship exists.

(See also requirements of Rules 311 and 350.)

(c) Prompt written notice shall be given the Exchange whenever any member or member organization knows, or in the exercise of reasonable care should know, that any person, other than a member, allied member or employee, directly or indirectly, controls, is controlled by or is under common control with such member or member organization. (See also Rule 321.)

(d) No member shall qualify more than one member organization for membership.

(e) Unless otherwise permitted by the Exchange every member, allied member, registered representative and officer of a member organization who is assigned or delegated any responsibility or authority pursuant to Rule 342 shall devote his entire time during business hours to the business of such member or member organization.

(f) Except as otherwise permitted by the Exchange, no member, member organization, allied member, approved person, employee or any person directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by or under common control with a member or member organization shall have associated with him or it any person who is known, or in the exercise of reasonable care should be known, to be subject to any "statutory disqualification" defined in Section 3(a)(39) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Any member organization seeking permission to have such a person continue to be or become associated with it shall pay a fee in an amount to be determined by the Exchange.

Enforcement Actions