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2004 In
the Matter of X FORMER REGISTERED REPRESENTATIVE NOTE: New York Stock Exchange Hearing Panel Decisions (HPD) denoting Stipulation of Facts and Consent to Penalty (SFC) are entered into by Respondents without admitting or denying the allegations, but consent is given to the described sanctions and to the entry of findings. In the beginning there was prosperity X and the Floor Broker maintained a friendly social relationship.
The Road to Hell ![]() The contractor’s work for X was a total mess. Soon, the contractor stopped showing up altogether. X informed the Floor Broker about the situation, and the Floor Broker sought to intervene. He lent the contractor an additional $8,500, $4,000 of which was to pay for the purchase of supplies for the job, and the remainder for additional problems that the contractor had run into. When the contractor failed to show up for work, the Floor Broker sought to find substitutes.
X mulled over possible resolutions of his relationship with the Floor Broker, including a request that the Floor Broker pay for the damaged work, but did not overtly act on it. Pay Back?
For the first half of 2002, the Firm’s
business continued to flow to the Floor Broker. Business was somewhat
reduced however, as it was in the market generally. At one point, the Floor Broker
discovered that a large order had gone to another Floor Broker for
execution, and complained to X. X was reassuring. But in these months, X’s
friendly relationship with the Floor Broker cooled significantly. In July 2002, the Floor Broker’s head clerk, concerned that business seemed to be dropping, although unaware of any disputes, arranged to have lunch with X to determine what problems existed between them. At the lunch, X expressed a general loss of confidence in the Floor Broker, indicating that the Floor Broker “wasn’t a stand-up guy,” and that he’d lost faith in the Floor Broker. X mentioned problems he had with the bathroom contractor. X made no request for money. But the clerk asked if X would consider a payment of damages, volunteering a $40,000 figure. X was hesitant, asking “What am I gonna do? What am I gonna do with that?” Nevertheless, the clerk reported back to the Floor Broker, advising him that “I don’t think it’s gonna happen unless we take care of the bathroom.” FBI
18 U.S.C. §1951 (a) Whoever in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or
the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or
extortion or attempts or conspires so to do, or commits or threatens
physical violence to any person or property in furtherance of a plan or
purpose to do anything in violation of this section shall be fined under
this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both. (b) As used in this section - (1) The term ''robbery'' means the unlawful taking or obtaining of personal
property from the person or in the presence of another, against his will,
by means of actual or threatened force, or violence, or fear of injury,
immediate or future, to his person or property, or property in his custody
or possession, or the person or property of a relative or member of his
family or of anyone in his company at the time of the taking or obtaining. (2) The term ''extortion'' means the obtaining of property from another,
with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force,
violence, or fear, or under color of official right. (3) The term ''commerce'' means commerce within the District of Columbia,
or any Territory or Possession of the United States; all commerce between
any point in a State, Territory, Possession, or the District of Columbia
and any point outside thereof; all commerce between points within the same
State through any place outside such State; and all other commerce over
which the United States has jurisdiction. (c) This section shall not be construed to repeal, modify or affect section
17 of Title 15, sections 52, 101-115, 151-166 of Title 29 or sections
151-188 of Title 45 The following weekend, the Floor Broker, wearing a hidden
transmitter, visited X at his home. X had been concerned about his
friendship and continuing business relationship with the Floor Broker. X was
festering with the problem, but had thought of no resolution to it. Now, he
was willing to accept an offer of monetary payment. He told the Floor Broker
to “make me right for 25 g’s.” WHAT FBI TAPED
“If you showed up with a bag full of cash, you know, it wouldn’t be
about the bag full of cash … but I’d feel better about how you acted
after … I want you to make me whole on the bathroom … and send me a case
of wine for my wine cellar. that says, you know what? Yeah, I love you.”
Still later, X commented, “[a]t some point you just got to feel good about
things or else the business is going to suffer.” Concluding, X stated “I
can’t sit there and tell you that I think my way was the right way. I can’t
tell you that with a straight face … Because I’m very uncomfortable with
all of it …. That’s not my style. That’s not the way I do business …But
it was all about, you know, the character … I don’t think its right. But
it’s about the character.” WHAT FBI TAPED “I told you I don’t know if it’s
right. But we have to find some resolution, and then what is it? That’s
the point.” “You
I just, in the last few weeks, … I mean this wine thing, it’s over three
thousand dollars.”
X consulted his supervisor,
explaining that the Floor Broker had recommended a contractor who had fouled
up the job, and that the Floor Broker had offered to make good on the work.
The supervisor advised X that he should not accept the money, in order to
avoid any conflict of interest. X assured the supervisor that he was not
taking any money. X informed traders at the Firm, working under him, of
his bad feelings about the Floor Broker. But, thereafter, he had second
thoughts about requesting other traders at the Firm not to trade through the
Floor Broker.
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Things Get Very Messy In August 2002, most of the Firm’s business was placed with other Floor Brokers. By the end of 2002, the Floor Broker had suffered a significant drop in business from the Firm; by February 2003, the Firm’s business with the Floor Broker was negligible. Later that year, the Floor Broker went out of business. By letter dated August 7, 2003, NYSE Enforcement notified X of its investigation into allegations that X threatened to withdraw Firm business from a Floor Broker unless he paid X the sum of $25,000. Following an investigation by the FBI, X was arrested in August 2002 and charged via a sealed federal complaint in the United States District Court in the Southern District of New York with violating 18 U.S.C. § 1951 [attempted extortion]. X was suspended by the Firm on August 23, 2002, and was subsequently permitted to resign on August 24, 2003. In December 2002, X entered into a deferred prosecution agreement for a period of eighteen months with the U.S. Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York. One of the terms of the agreement states that X is not permitted to associate with a broker/dealer or investment advisory firm during the entire eighteen months. The federal complaint was premised on the Floor Broker's clerk’s report that X had demanded payment to cover costs of fixing the bathroom, and that there be no paper trail on the payment. The NYSE Division of Enforcement’s Charge Memorandum alleged the same version of the facts. But, at the hearing, the clerk’s testimony was clear – X made no demand for payment; the suggestion of a $40,000 payment came from the clerk. In September 2003, the Firm filed a Form U-5, indicating that X had been permitted to resign from the Firm, due to the conditions set forth in the deferred prosecution agreement. The NYSE charged X with: I. Violated Exchange Rule 476(a)(7) in that he engaged in acts detrimental to the interest or welfare of the Exchange in that, during July and August 2002, while in the course of his employment with his member firm employer, he attempted to extort funds from an Exchange Floor Broker in exchange for directing his firm’s business to the Floor Broker; II. Violated Exchange Rule 476(a)(7) in that he engaged in acts detrimental to the interest or welfare of the Exchange in that, during the course of conducting business for his member organization employer, he engaged in conduct that resulted in his being arrested and charged with attempted extortion, among other charges, stemming from his employment with a member organization; III. Violated Exchange Rule 476(a)(7) in that he engaged in acts detrimental to the interest or welfare of the Exchange in that, during the course of conducting business for his member organization employer, he demanded that an independent Floor Broker pay him compensation in exchange for his employer’s continued Exchange order flow without the knowledge or consent of his employer; IV. Engaged in conduct inconsistent with just and equitable principles of trade in that he demanded that an Exchange Floor Broker pay him money in order for that Floor Broker to continue to receive business from his member organization employer; and V. Attempted to cause a violation of Exchange Rule 353(a) in that he demanded that an Exchange member pay him compensation as consideration for business procured for that Exchange member organization. Barely Disguised Disdain Cueing us in for the denouement of this play, the NYSE Panel renders its decision by characterizing this matter as an "overwrought dispute about a contractor's awful work in renovating a bathroom . . ." No more apt words have ever be written by a deliberative body. Moreover, leaving no room for any doubt, the Panel notes in the opening words of its conclusion that ""X could justifiably believe, as he learned more of the relationship between the Floor Broker and the contractor, that the Floor Broker bore responsibility for the situation." While noting that X "festered with his bad feelings for many months," the Panel seems to place some blame for the ultimate spiraling-out-of-control aspect of this dispute on the Floor Broker --- whom they said had become "unsettled by the cooling relationship, was very worried that X might take his business elsewhere." Ultimately the Panel believes that X was considering whether to terminate his personal and professional relationship with the Floor Broker, but that such musings were interrupted by the lunch meeting with the clerk --- at which time the clerk suggested some reparation by the Floor Broker might mend things. Although the Panel acknowledges that by the time the Floor Broker personally approached X with the idea, X was ready to accept some payment; nonetheless, X made it clear that it was "not about the money" but about a demonstration of responsibility. Accordingly, the idea of a gift of wine was in keeping with this view of atonement --- not extortion. Interestingly, the Panel admonishes that had X accepted the money and the wine "while not extortion, constitutes a most serious violation of his professional duties. Had X’s discussions with the Floor Broker been stopped at this point, X would have been guilty of the rule violations with which he was charged." The important factor here is that the offers were not accepted, discussions continued, and, in short order, X plainly abandoned all intent to accept money or gifts from the Floor Broker. In concert with that change of heart, X discussed the matter with his supervisor and clearly indicated that he would not accept any money. Nonetheless, all did not resolve into a warm and fuzzy happy ending because X then broke his business relations with the Floor Broker and so informed his staff of traders. At the end, X still evidenced remorse and told his staff that he was wrong to involve them and told them to work with the Floor Broker if they desired. Unfortunately, the wheels had been set in motion by this time and X was arrested and the Floor Broker's business was destroyed. Demonstrating great wisdom and commonsense, the Panel concludes
Decision The Hearing Panel, by unanimous vote, found X not guilty of the charges against him. Pointedly, there was no finding of guilt of attempted extortion, either by a criminal court or by the Hearing Panel.